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Employee Wellness Resources

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    Training Description
    Compassion Fatigue and Satisfaction Self-care should be a top priority in all trauma-informed care initiatives. Working in behavioral health and human services can cause a significant amount of mental and physical stress, lead to burnout and compassion fatigue, and expose individuals to vicarious trauma. Consequently, working in a trauma-informed way requires constant focus, self-awareness, and positive energy. Accomplishing this requires that a trauma-informed approach prioritizes an organization taking care of employees, coworkers taking care of each other, and finally caring for yourself. Join this webinar to learn about compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout. You will also discover the need for all staff members to prioritize self-care. You will then discern the steps you can take to move from compassion fatigue to compassion satisfaction and how to focus on self-care to strengthen the quality of the services you provide..
    Mitigating the Impact of Disasters: From Trauma to Resilience Following a disaster, Behavioral Health Organizations (BHO s) routinely respond by assisting the clients they serve, their staff and their communities to recover from the inevitable psychological and emotional sequelae. Research in this area reveals three important factors: 1) individuals with behavioral health and trauma histories are among those most at risk for developing adverse reactions following a stressful event; 2) having a trauma history is quite common even among the general population; and 3) although most people will eventually bounce back from a disaster, many will initially exhibit stress reactions that may require some assistance. Individuals and communities can be better prepared to cope with these adverse events when there is general understanding of the impact of trauma, the skills to cope and needed resources and supports. Bringing an expertise in trauma and disaster trauma and recovery, this workshop presenter will assist Behavioral Health Organizations (BHO) to plan for and implement Trauma-Informed Care and resiliency building strategies that will benefit individuals and communities prior to and following a disaster
    Therapist Resilience & Vicarious Trauma This presentation discusses the effects of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue in therapists and the ways that therapists can prevent and treatment these effects.
    Employee Wellness - Side Effects of Care Giving Caregiving demands a tremendous amount of compassion and empathy. While this can be incredibly rewarding, it can cause some adverse side effects.
    Stress Management for Behavioral Health Professionals As a behavioral health professional, you are prone to unique stressors, which may lead to physiological, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. Throughout this course, you will learn practical tools and strategies to prevent and even overcome the negative effects of stress/compassion fatigue. Neglecting yourself can cause a negative chain reaction that will quickly become evident to those you work with. This course is about learning to practice what you preach.
    WEBINAR: Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Trauma and the Importance of Self Care This webinar discusses common issues that impact behavioral health professionals and their organizations, including the factors that contribute to burnout and turnover. You will learn about compassion fatigue, two different types of trauma, and stress, and how these issues impact your well-being. You will also learn about how to cope with compassion fatigue, including building resiliency, prevention, and how to support yourself on personal, professional, organizational, and community levels. This webinar is appropriate for professionals in behavioral health settings.
    Mindfulness, Meditation, and Spirituality as Tools for Recovery Each year, about 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. struggle with mental illness and 1 in 25 experience a serious mental illness (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2015). Of the 20.2 million adults in the U.S. who struggle with a substance use disorder, more than half also experience another mental illness at the same time (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2015). There is a need for affordable, accessible tools to aid people in recovery from mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders. Mindfulness, meditation, and spirituality practices can provide meaningful contributions toward recovery from these potentially debilitating disorders. Integration of these practices into current treatment approaches for those in recovery is on the rise. By understanding some of the basics of these complementary approaches, you can add to your toolbox of strategies that can help those who seek your services. You can also use these tools yourself to assist with your own wellness journey, or to improve the quality of care you provide by attending to your own self-care.
    What Does Becoming Trauma-Informed Mean for Non-Clinical Staff This webinar discusses trauma-informed care and the many aspects that it impacts, such as a care model. You will receive an overview of trauma and its various types, how trauma shapes a person's beliefs, and how trauma can lead to a vicious cycle of worsening symptoms and adaptations. You will also hear discussed the principles of a trauma-informed approach to care, the ACE study and its impact on trauma research and practice, the need to implement universal precautions, and how trauma impacts the human brain and stress response system. Lastly, you will explore how to teach about trauma and its triggers, resilience and its relationship with trauma, and strategies for self-care when working with traumatized populations. This webinar is appropriate for professionals in behavioral health and social service settings.
    Forging Ahead with Perseverance and Resilience If you choose to persevere, it's typically because you have a purpose, a goal, an intention -- even a dream. While it's commendable to build perseverance and resiliency proactively, the more typical application is 'in the face' of something you are trying to achieve or have been called to do. In this course, you'll learn what it takes to persevere, including the qualities and people it takes to support and sustain perseverance. You'll also learn to recognize resiliency and use it to improve your perseverance. Finally, you'll explore actions to help you build your balance, sharpen your focus, and regain resilience that helps you persevere when faced with setbacks.
    Reaching Goals Using Perseverance and Resilience You will have a hard time persevering without incorporating the benefits of trust and resilience into your efforts. Trusting yourself, trusting others, and having others trust you helps you build confidence, stay open-minded, and remove obstacles. Being resilient and able to get back up when you are knocked down helps you take the next step, continue on the planned course, and do so without harm to yourself or others. In this course, you will learn about earning trust and assessing your circle of trusted people, as well as developing resilience, and what to do to regain trust and rebuild resilience.
    Trauma-Informed Clinical Best Practices: Implications for the Clinical and Peer Work Force In a trauma-informed organization, the clinical and peer work force ensures trauma-informed clinical best practices address the effects associated with trauma while honoring the core principles of trauma-informed care. It is an organization's clinical work that gets to the core of shifting the focus from What is wrong with you to What happened to you. Explore key components to trauma-informed clinical practice, the core competencies of a trauma-informed practitioner and what it means to apply trauma-informed principles across all stages of treatment. Learn more about trauma-specific, evidence-based and emerging best practices, including interventions focused on the mind/body connection.
    WEBINAR: Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care Systems This webinar discusses how to define trauma informed care, its guiding principles, and the benefits of a trauma-informed system. The seven domains of trauma-informed care will also be discussed, as well as how to monitor your organization's progress. Asking difficult questions and fostering a safe environment will also be covered. Lastly, you will learn of the critical elements of the change process and how you can leverage these to better inform your trauma-informed care practice. This webinar is appropriate for professionals in behavioral health settings.
    Employee Wellness - Work-Life Balance Today's fast-paced workplace along with the 24/7 nature of the digital age has resulted in a common experience: A lack of work/life balance. Over time, this can result in job dissatisfaction and personal burnout. This course will explore the factors causing imbalance between work and home and teach you how to make changes in both areas to restore balance.
    Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress If you find you're constantly adding items to your neverending to-do list, feeling overwhelmed at work and at home, and finding your health and relationships negatively impacted, you are likely experiencing stress. Stress is produced by your own feelings and reactions to certain external events, rather than by the events themselves. This means that while you may not always be able to control the external events causing you stress, you can control your reactions to them and how you handle them. This course explains the physiological, behavioral, and psychological signs and symptoms of stress and where is can come from. The course outlines strategies for dealing with stress and avoiding burnout. It also covers ways to change your responses to stress and make them more positive and how to use relaxation techniques such as breathing and mediation to help you cope.
    Wellness Topics Include:

  • Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Individuals with Mental Illness
  • Employee Wellness - Alcohol Use: How Much Is Too Much?
  • Employee Wellness - Diabetes Prevention
  • Employee Wellness - Emotional Intelligence: Awareness
  • Employee Wellness - Emotional Intelligence: Awareness
  • Employee Wellness - Healthy Eating on a Budget
  • Employee Wellness - Healthy Sleep
  • Employee Wellness - Heart Disease Preventions
  • Employee Wellness - Importance of Physical Fitness
  • Employee Wellness - Making the Most of Your Memory
  • Employee Wellness - Safe Use of Prescription Medications: Part 1
  • Employee Wellness - Safe Use of Prescription Medications: Part 2
  • Employee Wellness - Smoking Cessation: Ready, Set, Quit!
  • Employee Wellness - Stress Management
  • Employee Wellness - Time Managements
  • Employee Wellness - Weight Management
  • The Role of Wellness in Recovery